OOOS Odense Occasional Osteology Seminars
In order to promote research, ADBOU runs a series of seminars called “the Odense Occasional Osteology Seminars” (OOOS) .
Throughout the past decade over 30 of these meetings have taken place, where guest lecturers from Denmark and abroad as well as students have presented their projects and research on relevant topics.
Past seminars
OOOS Jubilee Seminar for students and others, special guests: Saige Kelmelis, Univ. South Dakota, USA & George R. Milner, PennState University, USA
Time: Monday, June 13th, 2022, 12.30-16.30
Place: DIAS Seminar room V24-411-0, Fioniavej 34
OOOS Jubilee Seminar “ADBOU through 30 years” + Opening of ADBOU Exhibition “The Talking Dead”
Time: Wednesday, June 1st, 2022, 10:00 – 15:30
Place: The Winter Garden, SDU campus, 5230 Odense M & The University Library, SDU campus
OOOS XXXVI: Mycobacterial infectious diseases
Time: Tuesday 6th June 2017, 11:00 – 13:00
Place: ADBOU, Lucernemarken 20, 5260 Odense S
Professor David Minnikin from University of Birmingham, an expert on the study of lipid biomarkers indicative of TB and leprosy in bones, is visiting ADBOU. We therefore host a seminar about the study of these mycobacterial infectious diseases.
OOOS XXXV: Excavation of human skeletal remains
Time: Thursday 6th October 2016, 09:00 – 16:30
Place: ADBOU, Lucernemarken 20, 5260 Odense S
Why excavate human remains? What archaeological methods are used? How are the skeletal remains examined? How is data analysed? What research collaboration between archaeology, anthropology and natural sciences can excavations of human skeletal remains result in? Such questions will be discussed at the seminar.
We suggest the establishment of a network of archaeologist, anthropologist and scientist from natural sciences with an interest in excavation of human skeletal remains.